Fixtures Div 1

5.1. There will be no postponements for holidays
5.2. Should a team fail to turn up, the match will be awarded to their opponents as a 9-0 win
5.3. Two points will be awarded to the winning team in each match
5.6. In the event of any open dates, teams will be awarded a 9–0 win and 2 points
5.7. Any team failing to commence the match by the required deadline will forfeit the match and points to their
5.8. The home team will provide a caller and marker
5.9. The away team will provide a check caller and marker
5.10.To maintain their winter league position, teams must fulfil summer season fixtures
5.11.If a team does not honour its fixtures or is expelled before the halfway stage of the season, all results will be

Fixtures Div 1

The Trident ReturnsBrowns Bar B K.Wood
Crown JewelsSandringham
Open DateWhitehall Tavern
Keynsham CCWhite Hart Bitton
The Foresters D.EndBishops Tavern
Mr Browns Boys K.Wood501 Dash
White Hart BittonThe Foresters D.End
Whitehall TavernKeynsham CC
SandringhamOpen Date
Browns Bar B K.WoodCrown Jewels
501 DashThe Trident Returns
Bishops TavernMr Browns Boys K.Wood
Open DateBrowns Bar B K.Wood
Keynsham CCSandringham
The Foresters D.EndWhitehall Tavern
Bishops TavernWhite Hart Bitton
Mr Browns Boys K.WoodThe Trident Returns
Crown Jewels501 Dash
Whitehall TavernBishops Tavern
SandringhamThe Foresters D.End
Browns Bar B K.WoodKeynsham CC
501 DashOpen Date
The Trident ReturnsCrown Jewels
White Hart BittonMr Browns Boys K.Wood
The Foresters D.EndBrowns Bar B K.Wood
Bishops TavernSandringham
White Hart BittonWhitehall Tavern
Mr Browns Boys K.WoodCrown Jewels
Open DateThe Trident Returns
Keynsham CC501 Dash
SandringhamWhite Hart Bitton
Browns Bar B K.WoodBishops Tavern
501 DashThe Foresters D.End
The Trident ReturnsKeynsham CC
Crown JewelsOpen Date
Whitehall TavernMr Browns Boys K.Wood
White Hart BittonBrowns Bar B K.Wood
Whitehall TavernSandringham
Mr Browns Boys K.WoodOpen Date
Keynsham CCCrown Jewels
The Foresters D.EndThe Trident Returns
Bishops Tavern501 Dash
Browns Bar B K.WoodWhitehall Tavern
501 DashWhite Hart Bitton
The Trident ReturnsBishops Tavern
Crown JewelsThe Foresters D.End
Open DateKeynsham CC
SandringhamMr Browns Boys K.Wood
SandringhamBrowns Bar B K.Wood
Mr Browns Boys K.WoodKeynsham CC
The Foresters D.EndOpen Date
Bishops TavernCrown Jewels
White Hart BittonThe Trident Returns
Whitehall Tavern501 Dash